As much as we love the summer months, every year fall and winter takes its place. Humid 90-degree days are switched with changing colors and crisp nights (maybe it’s not all that bad!). We want to help make your summer to fall transition as easy as possible. Our various services help you stay ahead of the changing weather to keep your yard looking great season after season.
Irrigation Tips & Maintenance
With the weather cooling down in the fall, you don’t need to water as often as you do in the thick of summer. This shouldn’t be an abrupt stop, but a gradual process so your grass can adjust. As winter approaches you will want all water out of your irrigation’s pipes, so they don’t freeze and break over the winter. Our team is trained to help with every step of this winterizing processes to ensure you don’t have problems next spring.
Bagging & Mulching Leaves
If leaves are left lying on the top of your grass it could cause mold to grow, hurting your grass next season. There is still another efficient way to use those thousands of leaves in your yard as a benefit – mulch. As your perennials begin to shed leaves and go dormant for the winter you can use these leaves as a mulch to help keep soil temperatures up and leave a buffer between the snow and your plants. Just remember to rake off the leaves as soon as the snow begins to melt in the spring to avoid mold. Need help reminding yourself? Let Clean Cut know you are interested in this and we can not only remind you, but come out and get your flower beds ready for the new season.
Take Care of Pest and Problem Now
Noticing a bald patch in your grass? Have a new swarm of bugs appearing in your yard? As tempting as it may be to leave it till next year it’s better to tackle the problem right away. Many insects can withstand the Minnesota winters and come back bigger and stronger next year so you should take care of those pests now. Getting a base of new grass started in the fall can also help get it on a faster track to success in the spring.
Set-Up Snow Removal Plans
One way you can help yourself enjoy those snowy days are to have a plan in place. At Clean Cut we offer different snow removal options to best fit your needs. These include, but aren’t limited to, plowing driveways, clearing walkways, and deicing common slippery spots.
While this is only a fraction of what you can do in the fall for preparation, it’s a great start to getting the next season underway. For professional care, we provide all these services and more to make your transition as easy as possible. Get a free quote for your yard today.